I try my best to follow all of Jehovah's rules, but sometimes I just want to quit now because it becomes too overwhelming and difficult.
How do you know for sure whether the things they are telling you are"Jehovah's" rules or the rules made up but humans who started their own religion? You can prove just about anything if you know the right combination of scriptures to daisy chain together.
Deciding whether or not to be part of Christmas festivities at work is minor compared to the other things they'll want you to do. One of "Jehovah's rules" they'll expect you obey is to sacrifice your life or child's life (if you're a parent) should you have a medical emergency or surgery that requires a blood transfusion. My father died a horrible death in front of his 4 children and 5 grandchildren who were visiting him in a modern hospital full of professionals who were at the ready to save him. He died because he signed the Jehovah's Witness required "NO BLOOD TRANSFUSION" papers before having a surgery. Like you, he was only studying with the Witnesses at the time and the only thing he knew about blood transfusions was what he learned on his "Bible Study" with them. A couple of years later Jehovah's Witnesses changed "Jehovah's Rules" and decided it was ok to accept blood fractions but not whole blood. These fractions would have been enough to save my father.
Even though the elders told us that my Father will surely be resurrected in the "New System because he died upholding "Jehovah's Rules", they would not allow us (his JW family), to have his memorial service at the Kingdom Hall because he was "only studying" he wasn't a "Baptized member of the Congregation".
They used to say it was "Jehovah's rule" not to accept organ transplants or life saving vaccinations. Many JW children from years ago, contracted polio and other diseases because they were following "Jehovah's Rules" which were changed later when a newer generation of JW's realized the folly in these and other life altering beliefs that were in place at the time.
Funny how it is that " Jehovah's Rules" seems to always change along with whatever the current JW's believe.